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Bled Castle Restaurant - Slovenia - Lake Bled - ?/10

Hey hey

So next place on our food tour of Slovenia, Lake Bled!

If you have heard of Slovenia you will probably know about Lake Bled, it is a beautiful lake at the foothills of the alps, it has an island with a church on. The church is known as Our Lady of the Lake and is a very cool place to visit! If you get married there, the groom has to carry his bride to be up the huge staircase at the front! There is also a bell there and it is said that if you ring the bell and make a sincere wish of the heart it will come true, but no wishing for more wishes.

So we went to Slovenia in the middle of winter, when no one goes to Bled, because its cold and dark and that makes it not the ideal holiday apparently? We had a great time, it snowed! not enough to matter, but London would have stopped for the day. We went up to the incredible castle on the cliff above the lake and the view was spectacular at sunset...despite the clouds and there being no sunset. We then went to the restaurant for dinner and sat in the window seat over looking the lake.

The #restaurant was stripped back and elegant and it turned out that we were the only people eating there that evening (distinct lake of atmosphere but we more than made up for it). We had the whole restaurant to ourselves, there is no way they made money by being open that evening. (it was also a Thursday night, I guess #thirstythursday isn't a thing in a remote lake in Slovenia.)

It was a great evening, once we got over the slightly awkward feeling of being the only ones there. The wine recommendations were excellent, all from Slovenia as usual, the red wines particularly were excellent. Very intense, rich and Oakey, with a beautiful aroma of blueberry.

Seabass Mousse

We had another tasting menu, only 4 courses this time. The food was excellent, I have never had such good venison, it was succulent intense, rich, gamey and all round wonderful. Served with a parsnip mash. My favourite course was the sea bass mousse with polenta. The mousse was just sensational, sweet, fishy and smooth. If you go to this restaurant, and you should, make sure you order the sea bass mousse!

Soups were a great winter course and tasted wonderful. I actually had my first experience of Caviar in this restaurant in the celery and caviar soup. Before trying caviar I couldn't work out what all the fuss was about, surely it can't taste of that much, it must just be rare and difficult to get. I was wrong (you will notice me being wrong is very common) the caviar had an incredible taste, I can only describe it as a fish bomb going off in your mouth, in a really good way!

Dessert was the only let down. In Slovenia I found desserts are not their strong point (except those absolutely delicious figs). There was a white chocolate mousse that didn't taste of white chocolate and was more like a fancy choc ice. I had a carab pie, which was a bit dry and stodgy. Not their finest.

Price: all in, €140 for two. For 4 courses an amuse bouche and 8 glasses of wine (including sparkling) its a pretty good deal (very good if you come from London)! make sure you enjoy if you visit!

So the score? Dessert let it down slightly but the mains were incredible, the deer was excellent and the sea bass mousse was beautiful so a brilliant 9/10 from me!

I would also like to add that in these posher restaurants that cost €100+ for 2 people I expect a hell of a lot more, so the cheaper restaurants who score just as well are not as good. The score is based a lot on value for money.

Hvala (Thanks)


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