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London - The Nordic Bakery - Coffee

I first went to the Nordic Bakery as part of a coffee tour of Soho with my wife, it was self designed/inflicted and became a bit of a flop because after three coffee shops we realised that drinking coffees one after the other rather takes the fun out of it.

Luckily we enjoyed this place and it has been included in our recommendations, this is a cool place, unassuming from the outside, but on the inside you are transported to skandanavia (or a posh Ikea, I can't make up my mind). The food there is great, with options for lots of different people, both savoury and sweet with lovely friendly staff.

The most amazing thing about this cafe is as you walk in there is a sense of calm, no rushing about no storming through crowds to get out as quick as possible, its calm, relaxed and a great place to drink coffee, eat cake and socialise/work depending on what your looking for.

The coffee had good flavour and had I not been drinking lots that day i would have more to say about it, but for me the baking was the best bit. The Cinnamon rolls really are something special.



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